FAQ'S And Candle Care

  1.  What to do before burning? Trim wick to 1/4 of an inch before each burn to promote an even burn, steady flame and to limit the candle from sooting or mushrooming.
  2. What is mushrooming?  Mushrooming is when there is too much wax on the wick to be burned which causes a buildup on the end of the wick, creating the “black cap” (carbon buildup).
  3. How often to trim the wick? Trim the candle wick after each burn. This is very important to prevent the candles from smoking on the next burn or from burning the sides of the glass.
  4. How shall I trim the wick? Investing in a good pair of wick trimmers that will cut and remove the excess wick cleanly is recommended.
  5. What to do for the first burn? To ensure an even burn for each light the first burn of the candle should be long enough for the entire top layer of wax to liquify.  
  6. What would prevent uneven burning? When burning avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping.
  7. How shall I place the candle? If burning more than one candle place each one of them at least 3 inches apart from one another. This is to make sure they don't melt one another or create their own drafts that will cause the candles to burn improperly.
  8. How to light a candle? When lighting a candle, use long matches or a long-reach lighter. Keep your hair, loose clothing and materials away from the flame.
  9. What are some of the other precautions when burning candles? Keep burning candle within sight. Keep away from children and pets. Never burn the candle near flammable items. Never leave a burning candle unattended or lit while sleeping. Keep the candle away from drapes, fabric, animals & kids. Make sure the candle is in a stable place for burning, and make sure it’s on a heat-proof surface. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Do not place lit candles where they can be knocked over by children, pets or anyone else. 
  10.   How are ways to keep a candle clean? Keep the candle wax pool clear of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times. Clean your candles by gently rubbing the surface with a piece of nylon or a soft cloth. You can use a dry cloth, or one that's slightly dampened with water. When candle is extinguished and cooled.
  11. Can I move the candle while it's burning? Never touch or move a candle while it is burning or while the wax is liquefied. The candle glass may get hot, so be careful handling the glass of a candle that has been burning. Move or touch until it has been completely cooled and hardened.
  12. Can I burn a candle until it's completely out? Don't burn a candle all the way down. Discontinue burning a candle when 1/2 inch remains in the container.
  13. What's a good reason to put out a candle? Extinguish a candle if it smokes, flickers, or the flame becomes too high. These signs indicate the candle is not burning properly and the flame isn't controlled. Let the candle cool and trim the wick and check for unwanted drafts.
  14. What shall I do before leaving a candle unattended? Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room or its presence.
  15. What should I use to extinguish (put out) a candle? Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering.
  16. What should I not do to extinguish (put out a candle)? Do not use water to extinguish a candle, this can cause the hot wax to splatter and could break or shatter a glass container.
  17. How long is the candle burn time of these particular candles I sell? Between 50 - 60 hours.
  18. How long should the first initial candle burn? When lighting a brand-new candle for the first time let it burn for 1 hour per inch of container diameter to reach a full melt pool. Don't let it burn for more than 4 hours without extinguishing the flame and trimming the wick.
  19. Are the mugs BPA free? Yes, they are BPA and Lead-free, microwave & dishwasher-safe as well.