Processing Time
2-7 Business Days Before Shipment Is Started.
Transit Time (In Route)
Standard Shipping 3-4 Business Days
Economy Shipping 5-8 Business Days
International (Overseas) Shipping
Can be between 1-3 weeks or more to arrive after package has been shipped.
Shipment Prices
Will be calculated at checkout and can be between $5.00 and $20.00 depending on if you choose economy or standard shipping and the weight of your shipment.
Free Shipping
For domestic orders in the US of $50.00 or more.
Also, Shipping Considerations:
- If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed a few days. Please allow additional days in transit for delivery.
- Although Inner Wealth Creations likes to be as accurate as possible when giving out information, we cannot predict unforeseen circumstances that may arise on the shipping handler's behalf and your shipment may take longer have some delays.
- You should receive a shipping notification with tracking information once your order leaves the fulfillment center.
- Inner Wealth Creations does not take responsibility for lost, misplaced, mis-directed, or incorrectly delivered shipments if the address information provided is incorrect at the time of purchase.
- Please make sure you enter the correct shipping address before submitting your order. Double check that all your shipping information is correct at checkout. We are unable to make changes or cancellations to orders after they have been placed in our store system.